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« The Cracker Barrel: Dessert - Southern States | Main | Two for the Road »

June 21, 2006



What was the clientele like?


The clientele was very quiet. I felt like they were all silently judging our table because we were loud out-of-towners who always seemed to be talking about inappropriate things. Throughout our meal I kept expecting Britney Spears to walk in barefoot with baby in hand and order some sweet tea and Chicken Parmesan.


Welcome to North Carolina, where we appreciate the importance of good food and good condoms.

the yankee

oh the Cracker barrel isn't that bad. i was in N Carolina a few weeks ago and had a good fried chicken and biscuit dinner! what the hell do you expect for under $10


I would think there would have been an accompanying picture with Bloghungry tossing up a bouquet of condoms, but no. :(



We manage content for the North Carolina tourism account on a website called We would like to use a couple of your photos in a story we are running for December about Caffe Rel. Would that be ok? Please let me know ASAP as this is time sensitive.


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