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I'm a 30-something dad trying to bridge the gap between Ina Garten and Roseanne. I live in Florida with my husband, daughter, and Kitchenaid mixer.

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November 19, 2006



Love your shortcut for orange chiffon and I LOVE orange and white chocolate. I might have to make these.


Cup cakes are all the rage and so are you bloghungry.


Making your own cupcakes??? That's CRAZY talk!!


I know it sounds depressing, but I really like making my own birthday cakes.


Are we too late for the party? You DID save me one, right???


Happy Birthday (belated)


I sometimes make my own birthday treats. That way, I get what I really want! But that doesn't mean I won't partake of the goodies that other people make for that wrong?

Happy belated b-day, btw!


Happy birthday! I have made a couple of your recipes since I started reading your blog a month ago, and each has been met with rave reviews! Can't wait to try and whip u psome cupcakes!


Blog Hungry...I'm going to England and have been dared to taste figgey pudding (fig pudding). I'd like to know whats in it. I really dont want a gastro crisis in another country. thoughts?

I hear Fig pudding has the same reputation at the beloved yet frightening christmas fruit cake. ugh.


I love this blog. I've been raiding your man's site for the tunes (Tracey Thorn in the background if you lean a little closer to the screen) and saw the link and here I am. And hungry.


Where you at?


you make a blog about food or about your face attention whore


I have eaten nothing but orange chiffon cupcakes for 5 weeks, having been abandoned by a certain recipe blog. Please advise.


yeah, I'm orange chiffoned out!


hmmm food or face, I could stand to look at both each day!

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